Our Factory

We have our own factories in Europe, Hong Kong and China to ensure that our products can be distributed all over the world at the fastest speed. Vertical integration of the resources of various factories and traceable production can maximize the quality of our garments. Improve efficiency and employee compensation, and minimize redundancy and waste.

So far, we have manufactured more than 50 million pieces of clothing and created more than 500 fair job opportunities in Europe, Hong Kong, China and other regions.

Our knitted garments are made in Europe. For us, supporting the sustainable development of society is very important, as is supporting and maintaining local handicrafts. We cooperate with a local spinning mill, which is a family of local textile mills in Europe. He produces wool from his own organic sheep farm. Today, after 30 years of experience, the mill still attaches importance to traditional craftsmanship.

Knitwear is knitted piece by piece, so the knitwear is carefully stitched together in a small sewing room in the factory.

We are honored to be able to use local wool to make knitted garments in Europe, because it makes sense to us in many ways. We support local handicrafts and transparent supply chains, which are the most important to us. This is also our philosophy of producing sustainable and organic clothing: we support animal welfare, and this production method makes us satisfied with knitted clothing made of wool.